Sometimes... Ode to my Dear Love

By Yana Ducreay 

Sometimes I fell in love

Sometimes I fell out of love 

Sometimes love ran away from me

Sometimes I ran away from love 

Sometimes love was too scary to love 

Sometimes love wasn’t scary at all 

Sometimes I felt too much love 

Sometimes I felt too little love

sometimes I pushed love away

Sometimes all my soul craved was love 

Sometimes, I love love

Sometimes I hate love

Sometimes, love became became the death of me

Sometimes, my love birthed life 

Sometimes love became a stranger 

Sometimes, a stranger became love

Sometimes love felt like home— the only place that could salvage my broken

Sometimes I needed rescue from my love 

Sometimes love made me feel like the world was conquerable 

Sometimes my love hurt me—yearning for it’s pain to be stripped away from my body 

Sometimes my love healed every wound caused by my love

Sometimes my love did not last

Sometimes my love lasted an eternity and then beyond 

Sometimes my love had to let go to choose me

Sometimes my love had to hold on and choose the other

Sometimes my love was begged to be the chosen love 

Sometimes my love was the first to be chosen 

Sometimes I gave my love away 

Sometimes, I latched unto my love as if it was my savior 

Sometimes my love chose me 

Sometimes, my love chose everyone else but me

Sometimes my love showed grace 

Sometimes my love burnt down brides and scattered its ashes across oceans 

Sometimes I beg to be loved 

Sometimes, others begged for my love 

Sometimes I no longer wanted my love 

Sometimes, my love was all I needed

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